

The Normandy beaches were chosen by 

planners because they lay within range of air 

cover, and were less heavily defended than

 the obvious objective of the Pas de Calais, 


shortest distance between Great Britain and 

the Continent. 

Airborne :

There are different paratroopers from different countries, the total number of them is about 13000.



    D-Day is just a code name for that action, like Hour (H-hour)
    The D- Day happened on June 6, 1944. The American soldiers land in Normandy, which is a coast of France,the beach's name is Omaha. This action called "Operation Overlord".  It's the code word for because Hitler didn't want the American soldiers arrived and take over their land in France, so he put a lot of powerful army and weapons there. So when the American soldier arrived there, there are thousands of bullets and gunpowders are waiting for them. 

    It's really a bloody landing. The soldiers just arrived the land, they are tired and some of them even got boat sick. So they are very weak soldiers, face the bullets of German, they just hide and ran away. And because the armarium is suck at that time, most of the injured soldier can't get in time help, so many of them died. It's about 55000 people died in this action.

They put huge army to go there to take over the place that German control in France.

The American hide behind the hills and try to fight back.                                                                  D-Day is the most bloody war i've ever learned in the U.S. history. It let me totally notice the dark side of the war and soldiers' bravery and the reason that are great.


The Vietnam War

  The Vietnam War is a part of the Cold War. It lasted from 1945-1975. This is the longest war of the United States since the Civil War. The Vietnam War is fought between the North Vietnam and South Vietnam. The United States and other communist countries support the government of South Vietnam, and the North Vietnam is supported by the anti-communist allies.
  The interesting thing is that the South vietmese didn't fight traditional war, they fought guerrila war. This kind of war is not like tradition war stand side by side, they hide in some places that their enemy can't find them. And they shoot their enemy when their enemy without paying attention. However the North Vietmese engaged in more conditional war. And because the United States supported the South of Vietnam, so they relied on air superiorty and overwhemling firepower to conduct and destroy the operations. Also, many U.S presidents involved in the war. Eisenhower is the first U.S president helped South Vietnam. John kennedy began to support fight in Vietnam. Lyndon B. Johnson expanded the Vietnam War. But when Nixson was president of the United States, the citizens of America began to support anti-war, so the United States' troop left the battlefield of Vietnam. Then the North Vietnam beat the South Vietnam. The Vietnam War ended in 1975. In total, it is estimated that over 2,5 million people on both sides were killed. It's a long and bloody war.

  The reason they have Vietnam War is because Vietnam was a colony of Frence. Huzhiming lead the Vietnamese in the North aginst the Vietnamese in the South who were lead by Ruanfudian and the French.
  I support that people fight this war, because before this war Vietnam was still a colony of France instead of a country. I think there shouldn't be any colony because people need free and their own government which can put thier citizens' intersts first. Otherwise, the colonists always think about how can they have their own country. Freedom belong to everyone, so people ought to fight for their individual freedom, although their way to freedom is bloody, but in my opinion it's worth to do that.




Most cherokee speak English today, but 20000 cherokees  also speaks  Cherokee Indian Language. Cherokee indian language sounds very soft and gentle.
The Cherokee language has an innovative writing system that was invented by the Cherokee scholar Sequoyah. 
Sequoyah's writing system is a syllabary. Another language uses syllabary today is Japanese.

The children's life

As all the children in the world, the cherokee children likes play with each other, go to school and helps parents. They have many games to play. They likes go hunting with their fathers, they have many toys to play,



Cherokee indians originally called themselves 'Aniyunwiya', 'the principle people'. But today they accept the name cherokee, In their language, they spelled and pronounced 'tsalagi'. The Cherokee are original residents of the American southeast religion. They were forced to Oklahoma in the 1800's along the Trail of Tears. Many Cherokee escape in the halfway, but the Cherokees who survived this death march still live in Oklahoma. Trail of Tear was the Cherokee name for what the Americans called Indian Removal. During the 1800's, the US goverment created an 'Indians territory' in Oklahoma and sent all the eastern American tribes.A word about Cherokee tribes. There are three federally recognized Cherokee tribes, the Cherokee Nation and the Keetoowah Band in Oklahoma and the Eastern Band of Cherokees in North Carolina. Then there are many other groups across the country who claim to be Cherokee nations. But it is a difficult situation for Cherokees, Some of these groups have state recognition, or they are Cherokees fighting for land in our traditional territories, or they are Cherokee communities who have moved to other places in the country. This caused many problems.
There are seven clans in Cherokee. hereditary and priestly, was responsible for religious activities. A second group of younger men, the "red" organization, was responsible for warfare.